Plot Summary:Young actress Ela gets a role with well-known theatre director Franz Kramer. The production is a great opportunity for Ela, but comes with pressure. Kramer constantly oversteps her boundaries, then goes on to sexually harass her. Ela struggles to reconstruct her role as a self-confident character-and realizes that to do so, she must the same steps of self-empowerment in her real life.
年轻女演员埃拉 (Ela) 得到了著名戏剧导演弗朗茨·克莱默 (Franz Kramer) 的一个角色。 制作对Ela来说是一个很好的机会,但也伴随着压力。 克莱默不断越过埃拉的界限,当克莱默对她进行性骚扰时,情况变得更糟。 Ela 努力将自己的角色重塑为自信的角色,并意识到要做到这一点,她必须在现实生活中采取同样的自我赋权步骤。