
又名:永远的仔 / 永远是孩子

主演:中谷美纪 渡部笃郎 椎名桔平 石田百合子 

导演:鶴橋康夫 / 花堂純次 / 白川士 / 编剧:天童荒太(原作)/中島丈博





Plot Summary:When three 12-year-old victims of child abuse are introduced to each other at a mental hospital, they form a bond that proves to be unbroken by personal growth and adulthood. After saving Yuki, from drowning in the ocean, Ryohei and Shoichiro consider themselves her protector, a feeling that carries over into adulthood. When the three are reunited seventeen years after meeting at the mental hospital, they find that their feelings for each other are just as strong as before. Yuki now cares for others as a nurse, Shoichiro is a controlling lawyer, and Ryohei is a career police investigator. When a body surfaces in the local river, the three are drawn into a series of murders to which they all feel powerfully connected.
故事发生在一间精神病疗养院中,在这里疗养的,都是那些有着悲惨童年遭遇的孩子们,他们在此居住治疗,等待着医学鉴定报告批准他们重新回归社会,久坂优希(中谷美纪 饰)、有泽梁平(椎名桔平 饰)和长笙申一郎(渡部笃郎 饰)就是在这里相识的,怀揣着各自不可告人的痛苦过去,三个年龄相近的孩子很快走到了一起成为了无话不谈的好友。之后,随着时间的流逝,三人相继出院,再无联系。   一转眼十七年过去,如今的优希已经成为了一名护士,和弟弟及母亲住在一起,平静度日。然而,令优希没有想到的是,机缘巧合之下,她竟然和十七年未曾见过面的笙一郎和梁平重逢了,遗憾的是,重逢的喜悦并没有持续多久,悲剧的序幕拉开了。
