睡仙The Sandman(1991)

又名:El cuco



导演:保罗·贝瑞 / 



日期 资源名称
2019-05-10 CSI.New York 6x08 El nido del Cuco.aviAVI
2019-05-10 Alguien Volo Sobre El Nido Del Cuco [dvdrip][spani



Plot Summary:On a dark night, as the clock strikes eight, a mother sends her child upstairs to bed with only a candle for light. The child is wary, then frightened. The child hears something climbing the stairs. We see a birdlike man, his head like a crescent moon, stealthily then noisily approach the child's room. Mother appears to kiss the child good night. Has the sandman been a figment of the child's imagination? Then, he appears in the child's room and, as the child sleeps, leans over and takes something, leaps to the window, throws open the sash, and flies to a nest where two hungry fledglings cry. What has the sandman brought them?
睡仙是西方神话传说中的睡眠精灵,他在夜晚往儿童的眼睛里洒沙子直到他们入睡,并把他们带入梦乡。   宁静祥和的乡村之夜,壁火熊熊燃烧,母亲正在缝制针线活,小男孩则快乐地敲着铁皮鼓走来走去。突然,挂钟敲响八下,孩子的睡觉时间到了,小男孩不情愿地接过母亲手中的煤油灯,独自上楼睡觉。黑暗的楼梯对他来说是一条漫长恐怖的路程,而幽冷的长夜更让男孩惴惴不安。   这时,一个长相怪异、体形消瘦的怪物闪身进屋,一步步向男孩的房间走去……
