Plot Summary:In his third film on life and work in the (once) heavily wooded north of China, Yu Guangyi (Survival Song) follows the lonely San Liangzi (46), who for the past ten years has been in love with a woman who doesn't like men much. Intimate and revealing, but never rude. A moving and human portrait of a group of unemployed and above all lonely men who stayed behind when their wives moved to the city looking for work. They worked in the timber industry in the province of Heilongjiang, but deforestation has taken its toll. For instance, we see 46-year-old San Liangzi. Twelve years ago, he divorced his wife and became unemployed. For 10 years, he has had an eye on Wang Meizi, the only unmarried woman in the area. But the love is not mutual.
2011年香港国际电影节人道奖纪录片竞赛作品。 《光棍》以一个生活在林场的伐木工人三梁子为主角。三梁子为人淳朴憨厚,在林场做伐木工人,住在垃圾堆一样的地方,心里却揣着一份纯洁美好不计回报的感情,他爱着从村的老姑娘,而老姑娘却永远不会爱上他…… 在黑龙江山区林场在这样的环境中,女人是一种有限而流动的资源。用导演于广义的话来说:“这种资源和水不同,她往高处流。”村里于是多了许多苦闷的光棍。 1961年生于黑龙江林区的导演于广义1986年离开家乡,2004年又回到家乡,用电影的方式长期跟踪记录乡亲们的生活,制作具有社会人类学价值的纪录影片。其导演的《木帮》曾在韩国首尔电影节中获得最佳评委会奖和最佳导演奖。其作品还获得过弗兰哈迪纪录片电影节最高奖项“弗兰哈迪奖”。 2011年获上海国际电影节 白玉兰 亚洲纪录片银奖。