Plot Summary:Deprived of a normal childhood by her ambitious mother, Katie, Lillian Roth becomes a star of Broadway and Hollywood before she is twenty. Shortly before her marriage to her childhood sweetheart, David Tredman, he dies and Lillian takes her first drink of many down the road of becoming an alcoholic. She enters into a short-lived marriage to an immature aviation cadet, Wallie, followed by a divorce and then marriage to a sadistic brute and abuser Tony Bardeman. After a failed suicide attempt, Burt McGuire comes to her aid and helps her find the road back to happiness after sixteen years in a nightmare world, not counting the first twenty with her mother.
本片表现了女演员Lillian凄苦悲凉的机遇,童年不幸、不停辗转在不幸的婚姻之中,自杀未遂之后,善良的Burt试图帮她找回获取幸福的能力…… 代替Judy Garland出演了本片的Susan Hayward凭借本片中的出色表演获得1956年戛纳影后,并入围奥斯卡最佳女主角奖,最终惜败The Rose Tatoo中的Anna Magnani.