
主演:三上博史 染谷将太 白石隼也 野间口彻 山下容莉枝 堀部圭亮 丰田真帆 中原丈雄 中川雅也 

导演:青山真治 / 编剧:西岡琢也/中山七里(原作)





Plot Summary:Mikoshiba Reiji is an invincible lawyer who is described as one who would certainly fight to win a suspended sentence no matter what the charges are. As a result, his fees are also exorbitant. Because the clientele that comes to him are also unscrupulous, he is even shunned by those around him for being a crass lawyer. Mikoshiba volunteers to be the court-appointed defense lawyer in the trial of a murder for insurance money. The cards are overwhelmingly stacked against the defendant, Mitsuko. In the midst of this, a drowned body is discovered in a riverbed within Saitama Prefecture and Watase of the prefectural police embarks on the investigation. Then he discovers that the victim, a freelance journalist, had been snooping around Mikoshiba just before death. As the investigation progresses, Watase gets to Mikoshiba's past. He is the real culprit in the murder of a little girl. Why did a murderer become a lawyer? What is his objective?
看似精明狡黠的御子柴礼司(三上博史 饰)是一名叱咤律政界的重量级律师,凡是他接手的案件没有打不赢的道理,而且他还时不时接下一些不赚钱的案件挣取好名声,可谓一个左右通吃的狡猾之辈。某天,某工厂经营者在医院去世,他的妻子東条美津子(とよた真帆 饰)因提前关掉了呼吸机而被指控为骗取巨额保险蓄意杀人。御子柴以国选律师的身份为美津子辩护,并与美津子半身不遂的儿子干也(染谷将太 饰)取得联系。与此同时,刑警渡濑(Lily Franky 饰)尝试调查御子柴的过去,结果发现了他曾杀过人的事实。曾杀过人的人,是否还会再度追求杀人的快感?   本片根据中山七里的同名原作改编。
