Plot Summary:It's the start of the school year, and both Maggie and Grace are excited to return to school. Brighton, who is just starting high school, is however traumatized. In the gym locker room, he finds he is "smaller" than all the other boys. Both Fran but especially Maxwell are concerned for Brighton's psyche. However Fran gets her head out of the gutter long enough to understand Brighton's real problem. Meanwhile, Maxwell is again on Esquire Magazine's list of the most eligible bachelors, which he does not enjoy as he is still not ready to date. Wanting to help him have more of a social life, Fran and Val drag him out to a nightclub. He has a good time on this night out as he meets, in his own words, "the most incredible woman" named Leslie. Leslie not only has a striking resemblance to Fran, but also has all her mannerisms. But neither Maxwell or Fran see the resemblance. As much as he likes her (and for that matter, as much as Fran likes her), Maxwell decides that Leslie is not quite the one and that something is missing. Perhaps it's a certain something that a certain nanny has instead.