明川,鹏海市法医中心主任,性格古怪,专业超群,在当地法医领域是个绝对权威。当明川站在尸检台前,他就成了鹏海市远近闻名的“听尸者”。适时,光明市又发生一起干尸案,凶手似乎受过专业训练,反侦察能力极强,被称为“杀人医生”。光明市女刑警队长罗笔芯认为“杀人医生”是警察系统内部人员的可能性很大,并将目光锁定在临市的明川身上…罗笔芯决定彻查明川和“杀人医生”案的关联,并开始调查明川神秘的经历和背景,随着调查的深入,一个深埋多年的秘密终于重见天日……Ming Chuan, the head of forensic medical center in Penghai City, is eccentric but with outstanding expertise. Tian Bixin, the female captain of criminal police in Guangming city, is investigating the case of \"killing doctor\". She doubts that the \"killing doctor\" is a people in police force and focuses on Ming Chuan - a policeman in vicinal city.