图恩是一个孤独的人,一个不合群的短歌作曲家,他对“家”这个避风港非常依恋。浮华的娱乐行业,以及其中成功、时髦而性感的人群与他完全绝缘。当图恩迫于压力在一场生日派对上演奏后,一切都发生了改变。他的即兴演奏在 YouTube 上被疯传,这让图恩成为一夜爆红网络的名人。 图恩发现自己遇到了最棘手的事:他成了人们关注的焦点。Thanks to a viral video, Toon Visser, a socially awkward, painfully shy introvert who composes commercial jingles for a living, becomes an overnight sensation, and all the somebody-wannabes around him are ready to jump on the fame bandwagon, forcing him to live by their standards and expectations.