曾经的孤儿、如今的浪子Gena,跟着黑帮老大飘盪度日,穿梭在俄罗斯、立陶宛、波兰和法国等地,进行各式犯罪勾当,敲诈、勒索、走私、贩毒全都来。原以为一生就这麽样下去,没想到却在此时遇到一个女孩,于是Gena 的人生剧本急转直下,他决定要干最后一票,然后远走高飞,和心爱的人 过着平凡快乐的日子。可是,真正的挑战和艰难,却是从此刻才正式开始…When drug smuggler Genia is betrayed by his partner, he has no choice but to get help from a Russian mobster. His main goal is to retreat from the crime world and retire. He travels to Moscow, where he arrives at his ex-girlfriend Sasha, a hooker with a heart. Everything goes wrong from there and Genia is forced to flee with Sasha through Lithuania and Belarus where he will finally end up in France.