廿四世纪地球成为囚徒放遂之地,因联邦太空政府基地受到不明突击,总统巴特被迫撤离,途中闯入地球,被亲儿基拿俘获。基拿在地球己成为群雄之首,为达求离开地球的目的,以自己的亲儿丹尼尔作目标。丹尼尔与家庭教师戴安,巧遇囚徙达坚,与基拿来一之正义之战After mankind moved into space, the old planet Earth is forgotten, a polluted wasteland where only expelled prisoners still survive. One of them is Tarkin (Xavier Declie). When a capsule with the president lands on Earth, Kyla (Richard Moll) captures the politician because he knows a spaceship will come to the rescue, and that will be his chance to get off the prison planet. Tarkin, however, fights Kyla to free the president. While Kyla rules over an army of gladiators, Tarkin has to rely on the president's little grandson...