结束了法国对阿尔及利亚战争之后,同在撤离队伍中的美籍雇佣兵波普和法国军官巴朗偶然相识,又分道扬镳。命运却让这两位性格迥异的男人再次相遇。巴朗为了完成友人生前的承诺,答应冒险进入公司保险库放回一笔价值不菲的有价证券;而碰巧卷入其中的波普则觊觎着保险库中的巨额现金。当他们打开保险库后,却意外发现被卷入了更大的事件中。面对眼前的“囚徒困境”,两位硬汉必须做出艰难的选择。(豆瓣电影字幕翻译2.0小组)After serving together in the French Foreign Legion, a mercenary and a doctor leave the service and go their separate ways. Later, they are reunited by a coincidence. The doctor has made a promise to a friend which involves his breaking into a safe to return some improperly removed bearer bonds. When he hides in an office building to accomplish his task, he is followed by the mercenary, who is out to steal the contents of the safe. Locked inside the building together, they reluctantly agree to cooperate in cracking the safe. However, surprises await them both and in the end, they both must rely on 'the honor among thieves' to straighten everything out.