圣女魔咒是美国的一部8季长剧,每季是22集。剧中描写的是一位叫菲比的女孩失业以后回到了旧金山,和姐妹们住在一起。有一天晚上,她从家里无意找到了一本魔法书,上面记载了一些咒语,三姐妹因此发现了自己的神奇本领……她们发现,自己是巫女的后裔,她们三人每人有一种特别的本领:时间 停止;移物换形,预言未来。 此剧曾获1999年“最受欢迎的电影和电视伴音奖”电视类大奖以及2003年获得美国科幻及恐怖电影协会“电视类最佳女艺人”提名!@www.vv4.ccAfter their fake funeral, hosted by father Victor, the sisters magically assume permanent new appearances, hoping for normal, carefree lives, but the ploy also discontinues Phoebe and Piper's careers and relationships. Paige has neither, but her white lighter half can't be turned off, so she must respond to danger incurred by an overconfident witch, none other than Billie Jenkins. Agent Keyes suspects the sisters aren't dead and pretends to have abandoned their case, in fact leaving agent Murphy to observe the house discreetly. Hell has been decapitated, but demon Paul Hass poses as a real estate agent to attend the funeral, wanting the house as a magical power base, and assembles a group of followers, hoping Victor won't be a match while Wyatt is asleep.