本片基于真实事件改编。William Douglas Street 对他的生活充满了厌倦,为父亲工作只拿到一点点钱,老婆天天吵着要他挣大钱,他受够这一切。他找到一个办法来解脱,就是成为一条“变色龙”,不断的为适应这个恶劣的环境而改变自己,假扮成为医生,记者,律师等种种角色,这样就能挣更多的钱。William Douglas Street is bored with his life. Working for his father is getting to him, his wife wants more money, and he's had enough. His solution is to re-invent himself. He becomes a chameleon, taking on whatever role suits the situation. From reporter to doctor to lawyer, he impersonates anyone he sees a need for and he can earn money being. The movie is based on the real people, William Douglas Street, Jr., and Erik Dupin.