迎接千禧年的除夕,时任俄罗斯总统叶利钦突然宣布辞职,普京时代开始。《幸福北韩》(40 届)导演维德利明斯奇,当时获邀为准备竞逐总统大选的普京拍摄纪录片,正好见证了政治强人在此关键时刻如何巩固个人权力。当年未曾公开的片段,近距离追踪即将大权在握的普京,还有戈巴卓夫和叶利钦现身镜头前,而当时在普京身边的同路人,不少后来都成为反对派,个中其实有迹可寻。获捷克卡罗维法利电影节最佳纪录片奖。The events of the film begin on December 31, 1999 when Russia was acquainted with its new President Vladimir Putin. The film is based on unique and strictly documentary testimonies of the true causes and consequences of the operation "Successor", as a result of which Russia ended up with the President who still rules the country. The protagonists of the film are Mikhail Gorbachev, Boris Yeltsin, Vladimir Putin, and the Russian nation, as always being a silent witness of its own destiny.