西方大酒店外,示威群众与防暴警察严阵对峙,革命如箭在弦。酒店之内,同样剑拔弩张,冲突一触即爆。两个男人来订蜜月套房,酒店女经理觉得举止可疑,不信是同志情侣。甜美多情的柜台小姐认为只是经理多疑,好人当贼办。常常晕倒的酒店侍应生,则怀疑有人顺手牵羊。警察接报前来调查,莫非有恐怖分子?导演贝卢法本身是装置艺术家,利用荒谬处境影射当今社会形势,不论复古的酒店装修、监视大堂的闭路电视、充满弦外之音的墙上名画,都是世界动荡局面的写照。The mood is heated. Demonstrations are taking place across France, also in front of the Paris hotel where an Italian named Giorgio is booking the bridal suite for him and his boyfriend Antonio. Hotel manager Diana doesn't trust them and calls the police to get rid of the odd couple.