厌倦了大都会的奔波忙碌和机械化枯燥无味的生活,自有充满幻想的理绘(原田知世 饰)与温柔体贴的丈夫逃离东京,定居在北海道月浦一个毗邻湖泊的小山丘上。水缟夫妇在此经营一家名叫Máni的面包咖啡店,二人分工做出美味的食品,宴请来往驻足的人们。那一年,伤心的齐藤香织(森カンナ 饰)与始终困在北海道的青年山下时生(平冈佑太 饰)结识,纯纯的情愫悄然而生;沉默的小女孩未久(八木优希 饰)与父亲(光石研 饰)抱持着对母亲的思念,在Máni找到了慰籍;病入膏肓的老妇人和先生来访于此,品味着人生最后的时刻。 寒来暑往,爱聚离合,生命之河伴随着咖啡与面包的香气缓缓流淌……A couple decide to relocate from Tokyo to the northern island of Hokkaido where they settle and establish a bakery and café called Mani. One cooks. The other bakes. Everyone walks out happy and satisfied, no matter the time of day, time of year or their mental state when they walked in.