第二次世界大战即将落下帷幕,不甘失败的日本源源不断向战场上派驻士兵,做着最后无谓的抵抗。松山启太(丰川悦司 饰)和森川定造(六平直政 饰)等100名男子应征入伍,通过抽签定造即将启程前往战况激烈的菲律宾,临行前抱着必死觉悟的他将一张妻子寄来的明信片托付给留守本土的启太,希望他有朝一日将明信片送到家中。战争结束,作为100人中生还的6人中的一员,启太返回故里,却发现妻子已经和父亲私奔。某天他翻出定造的明信片,于是启程前去探视定造的妻子——早已被生活折磨得心力憔悴的友子(大竹忍 饰)…… 本片为新藤兼人根据自身经历改编,荣获2011年电影旬报十佳影片第一名。Toward the end of World War II, middle-aged soldier Keita is entrusted with a postcard from a comrade who is sure he will die in battle. After the war ends, Keita visits his comrade's wife Yuko and bears witness to the tragic life she has led. This year's Oscar entry from Japan finds SHINDO in top form and his 49th and reportedly last film as fresh and poignant as ever.