麻浦警署刑警杨淳东(金康宇 饰)缺乏干劲和荣誉感,多年来参加网络传销组织赚取副业,他在该组织被警察端掉时大丢颜面。未过多久,麻浦辖区发生一起儿童失踪事件,虽然淳东大力争取,但是警局方面无疑成立专案组,致使女孩尸体一个月后才被人发现。恼怒的淳东偶然回忆起曾经遇到的墙绘青年,惊讶地意识到当时墙上喷涂的内容和该事件有着密切联系。后知后觉的警署城里专案组,却将杨淳东排斥在外。这个无奈且鲁莽的男人只得动用一切关系展开独立调查,总算见到了那名曾与他有过一面之缘的青年金俊(金泛 饰)。 致使杨淳东似乎从一开始搞错了追查的目标,而青年那匪夷所思的能力则将案情引向难以预知的方向……A little girl is kidnapped and murdered in the jurisdiction of gang buster detective Yang Chun-dong, who fights against the gangs for three years now. Also the case of the murdered girl is up to him. During the case, he realizes the crime scene is the same as the mysterious wall paper he saw once on the street. He starts tracking down the painter, a young man called Joon. But when Chun-dong is arresting Joon, he realizes that this boy has the so-called 'psycho-metry' ability to see the past by touching someone or something with his right hand. His whole life he had lived alone because he thought about his ability as a curse. So, as a monetary, he tried to help to solve crimes. However, for the police Joon is the main suspect for the murder case. But Detective Yang believes Joon and that is only witness of the murder. Or in other words: the only chance to find the true killer before he strikes again.