北宋的普通青年司徒耀祖(郑恺 饰)在名门正派习武学成,进入社会后才发现现实的残酷,他放弃了毫无前途的捕快工作,奔赴首都汴梁寻找人生价值。在汴梁,司徒耀祖结识了无法走红的歌姬王二丫(潘之琳 饰),并与喜好丹青的官二代张鼎鼎(孙坚 饰)不打不相识。因张鼎鼎的父亲不愿儿子成为 危险系数过高的驸马,司徒耀祖偶然成为张父的义子,顶替张鼎鼎参与驸马的争夺,并与张鼎鼎的好友王翠(余思潞 饰)一较高下,胜出的耀祖有了做驸马的资格,但公主却已被番邦掳走,为了成为驸马,司徒耀祖、张鼎鼎、王二丫和王翠四人踏上了惊心且搞笑的搭救公主的旅途,同时他们也经历了各自的成长……The protagonist Yaozhu went on a personal quest after learning Kongfu at a prominent school and realizing he was not living the life he wanted . During his journey he met new friends and became the fiancé of the princess. After the princess was abducted, Yaozhu and his friends went on the adventure to rescuing the princess from the villains.