出生于濑户海边的永田一雄(西岛秀俊 饰)自幼反感父亲忠雄(香川照之 饰)强悍专制的行事作风,成年后他只身前往东京打拼,虽然立志做一个完美贴心的好丈夫好爸爸,却无法阻止三口之家走向破灭的命运。在人生的最谷底,他意外坐进一对父子的汽车。桥本父子(吉冈秀隆 & 高木星来 饰)在五年前死于车祸,作为幽灵盘桓世间的他们带领人生遭遇困境的人们溯流时空,回到命运的分水岭重新做出选择。与此同时,73岁的忠雄在老家奄奄一息,一雄却在时空旅行中遭遇了38岁的父亲。这对别扭争吵的父子且闹且行,一雄发现了家庭崩坏的种种诱因,而他也似乎真正开始了解了暴君般的父亲不为人知的一面。命运能否得到改变? 本片根据重松清的长篇小说改编。In the past six months, Nagata Kazuo has been told that he is being laid off, his wife Miyoko wants divorce and their son Hiroki will not stop violence at home. And in Kazuo's heart is an antagonism with his father Tadao who has terminal cancer. As Kazuo sits on a bench in front of a train station wondering where he has gone wrong, a wine-colored wagon suddenly appears. The person driving it is Hashimoto Yoshiaki who should have died five years ago. His son Kenta riding with him should be dead too. Kazuo boards this mysterious wagon with the two of them and in the course of going round to important places of the past, he starts to realize what went wrong with his wife and son.