1984年,受立川派落语宗师立川谈志(北野武 饰)的感染,平凡高中生佐佐木信行(二宫和也 饰)决定终止学业,拜入立川名下成为一名落语表演演员。作为落语界的异端,立川特立独行的风格让徒弟们也吃不消。他破天荒向徒弟收取学费,平日里支使他们干着各种杂务,一旦不满意就破口大骂。有的人因吃不消而选择离开,有的则以理念不合拜入其他师父门下。得名谈春的信行为了梦想甚至和父母闹僵,好不容易令师父青眼相看又错失良机,被发配到筑地的鱼市修炼。在此期间,天才师弟(滨田岳 饰)脱颖而出,两位师兄谈谈(北村有起哉 饰)和关西(宫川大辅 饰)也各自经历着内心的煎熬。梦想当前,谈春他们全力奔跑…… 本片根据落语名家立川谈志的人生事迹改编。When 17-year-old high school student Danshun is acquainted by the doodling and drawing art, known as Rakugaki, of Tatekagwa who is at the school for an educational session, he determines that he has found what he wants to do. Danshun visits the experienced man and pleads to become is apprentice. Quitting school he becomes the older man's servant and apprentice as obedience is the first step in the process.