公元2015年一种叫 Lemming 的病毒蔓延全球,受感染者会悄然走进绝望,无感地自了性命。据说山中两名音乐家所演奏的后工业噪音音乐有抗抑效果,故年迈祖父绑着染病的孙女上山求医。青山真治(《失枪怨曲》)将长岛宽幸绝对无助,但总有意志的崩裂音乐,放在浅野忠信手中演绎,去救犬儒的黑衣裳族宫崎葵,营造出天堂地狱也在人间的知性想像;那年冬天,宁静风景,却是一种慢性自杀病态的最后低泣时,直显影出眼前日本低度精神的迷惘状况。青山真治当然不是单调的悲鸣者,他以其人生两大信念:电影和乐与怒,勇敢走向寒冬。A.D. 2015: A virus has been spreading in many cities worldwide. It is a suicidal disease and the virus is infected by pictures. People, once infected, come down with the disease, which leads to death. They have no way of fighting against this infection filled with fear and despair. The media calls the disease "the Lemming Syndrome".