故事发生在位于西班牙的伊比萨小岛上,安娜(玛努艾拉·维丝 Manuela Vellés 饰)是一名18岁的女孩,长久以来,她都和父亲过着放荡不羁的自由生活,他们住在山洞之中,不受社会世俗的约束与禁锢,对酒当歌,人生几何。 一次偶然中,一位艺术家发现了安娜出色的绘画天赋,如获至宝的艺术家极力推荐到艺术村深造,就这样,安娜离开了家。在艺术村里,安娜遇见了许多和自己相似的“波西米亚式”伙伴,同时,她结识了名叫萨伊(尼古拉斯·卡萨雷Nicolas Cazalé 饰)的男子,气味相投的两人很快就打得火热起来。之后,安娜又辗转来到了繁华的都市纽约,在那里,又会有怎样不同寻常的经历在等待着安娜呢?The teenager artist Ana is raised in Ibiza by her German father Klaus in a naturalist lifestyle in a cave. One day, she meets a woman called Justine that invites Ana to move to Madrid, offering education and economical support, to live in an old house with other artists having classes of Arts and with the only commitment of studying. Ana befriends her mate Linda (Bebe) and falls in love for the problematic Said, having her first sexual experience with him. After a period together, Said leaves Ana, and then she is hypnotized by Anglo, discovering her past lives and deaths.