阿清(钮承泽)、阿荣(张世)等男孩生于风柜长于风柜,他们在高中毕业后等待征兵的日子里百无聊赖,每日通过赌博、打架、看白戏等形式来挥霍过量的精力。因为一次较严重的打架事件,也因对周遭环境的厌倦,他们怀揣几颗忐忑的心,离开风柜来到高雄。起始,自然只能如迷途羔羊般,在大都市的五光十色中乱撞。 在阿荣姐姐的帮助下,他们有了暂时的栖身处。而安稳下之后,阿清和阿荣因渐形成不同的世界观产生分歧。一封家书勾起阿清有关父亲的复杂回忆,加上眼见爱慕对象小杏(林秀玲)与男友(庹宗华)情感变故,阿清沉默了下来。Ah-Ching and his friends have just finished school in their island fishing village, and now spend most of their time drinking and fighting. Three of them decide to go to the port city of Kaohsiung to look for work. They find an apartment through relatives, and Ah-Ching is attracted to the girlfriend of a neighbor. There they face the harsh realities of the big city.