1990年代末,初踏上社会的大学毕业生白春梅(黄璐)急于帮父母分担重担,无奈一直找不到合适工作,在她发愁之际,装扮成医药采购公司员工的人贩子向她伸来热情的双手,她随他们来到中国西北某个偏僻山村采购中药,结果一杯水喝下肚,她倒床昏睡。 醒来后,白春梅遍地不寻她的“医药公司同事”,检查身份证和钱包时,发现它们也一同消失,瞬间,她醒悟自己已被卖给当地人,苦苦哀求一番后,白雪梅明白重获尊严和自由的唯一方式是逃出去,她开始了一次次的出逃冒险,而该过程中,她渐渐知道能相信的人只有自己。China, the 1990s. In villages where female babies are drowned, there are few young women to marry the men and bear more sons. Families buy wives - girls lured from the city. Bai finishes college and accepts a job in a remote mountain village harvesting herbs. It's a ruse: she's sold to a peasant family. She's indignant; the parents hold her so the son can rape her. She tries to run away; she's beaten. Other women kidnapped a few years before, now with children, tell her to comply. She continues to try to escape. She writes to her father, smuggling letters to the mailman. She obtains a bit of money. The village is without pity, except for the teacher. Can he help her? Anger mounts.