波塞战争期间。雾色中,一队波斯尼亚士兵向塞尔维亚阵地接近,不幸天明时被对方发现,波斯尼亚士兵西基(Branko Djuric 饰)中弹滚入战壕,战友则全部牺牲。塞方派出新兵尼诺(Rene Bitorajac 饰)在一老兵带领下检视战场,老兵将弹式地雷塞入波方士兵尸体下面充作陷阱,找到了武器的西基突然出现,击毙老兵后将尼诺俘虏。不久“尸体”突然醒转,西基看着地雷上的战友无能为力,只好与尼诺二人在波塞阵地之间的无主地带请求帮助。联合国维和部队接到求助赶到现场,维和高层领导本着避免麻烦的原则拒绝施救,英国女记者珍妮获得这一消息后借媒体力量对维和指挥部施压。但是维和部队与媒体的介入,并没能扭转混乱战争中的又一悲剧事件。 本片获2002年奥斯卡最佳外语片奖等二十余项褒奖。After various skirmishes, two wounded soldiers, one Bosnian and one Serb, confront each other in a trench in the no man's land between their lines. They wait for dark, trading insults and even finding some common ground; sometimes one has the gun, sometimes the other, sometimes both. Things get complicated when another wounded Bosnian comes to, but can't move because a bouncing mine is beneath him. The two men cooperate to wave white flags, their lines call the UN (whose high command tries not to help), an English reporter shows up, a French sergeant shows courage, and the three men in no man's land may or may not find a way to all get along.