拥有一头乌黑长发和白皙皮肤的高中女孩黑泽爽子(能登麻美子 配音),大概是过于内向不善交际的缘故,虽然她是如此善良且乐于助人,可是仍然被周围的同学认为过于阴郁,而刻意疏远躲避,甚至称之为“贞子”。即便如此,爽子也不愿争论和辩解,默默承受着这一切。然而独独有一个人主动接近了她,这就是爽子的同班同学——英俊帅气且备受欢迎的风早翔太(浪川大辅 配音)。由于翔太的努力,同学们渐渐接受了爽子,爽子也体会到同龄人应有的快乐。时光流逝,某种难以名状的情感在爽子和翔太的心中滋长,橙色青春,如此难忘…… 本片根据椎名轻穗的原著漫画改编。Sawako Kuronuma is misunderstood due to her resemblance to the ghost girl from The Ring. But one day the nicest boy in the class, Kazehaya befriends her and everything changed after that and also everyone perspective of Sawako but there's going to be struggle await for her up in the future.