这是一个跨越千年的故事。以表演人偶为生的青年国崎往人(小野大辅 配音)行走到了一个海边的小镇。四处游走的往人一直在寻找着“空中的少女”,这是往人的母亲逝世前曾一直对他说的话。原来流传着这样一个故事。有着翅膀的女孩被视为不幸的象征,终日被关在不见光的房间里,直到遇到那个命定的少年。二人就这样相爱了,但这恋情是不被允许的。于是女孩受到诅咒,陷入了轮回之中。往人在小镇里邂逅了少女神尾观铃(川上伦子 配音)。体弱多病的观铃和传说中的女孩极其相似。而他们的相遇如同千年前的那个传说,轮回的齿轮又开始了不休的运作…… 本片根据Key社著名的同名游戏改编,还有同名剧场版动画。Yukito Kunisaki is on a journey, seeking a girl with wings who flies in the sky, as mentioned in a childhood tale. During this journey, he settles down in a small town, trying to make some money. There, he meets a strange girl named Misuzu. Misuzu quickly makes Yukito her friend and invites him to stay with her. Yukito decides to stay in the small town, and continue searching for the winged girl his mother had searched for in her life