入夜,年事已高的棕兔夫人正在准备做点心。她的丈夫已经过世,只留下这个腿脚不便的老妇人每日沉浸在孤独和思念中。昏暗小屋中的灯光吸引了一只不知趣的飞蛾,它不断用身体撞击灯泡,吵得棕兔夫人没法认真工作。忍无可忍,棕兔夫人打开房门,将飞蛾引了出去。 向光天性使然,不久飞蛾再次徘徊到窗前,虽然窗户紧闭,但飞蛾却破窗而入。一番追打过后,飞蛾不小心掉入碗里。棕兔夫人急忙将各种原料混合进去,放入烤箱。当她以为重归安宁之时,却无意中进入另一个世界…… 本片荣获1998年奥斯卡最佳动画短片奖。Bunny, an elderly rabbit who uses a walker, is in her kitchen one night baking a cake. A photograph from her wedding day is on her wall. A pesky and persistent moth bangs about the kitchen. She shoos it outside, turns off the porch light, and returns to her baking. The moth finds its way back into the kitchen, she bats it with a wooden spoon, and it falls into the mix. She stirs it up, pours the batter into a pan, and pops it into the oven. But the moth isn't done: it has a different mission, turning the oven into a portal, and inviting Bunny on a voyage of reunion.