本片情节引人入胜,结构发展一环紧扣一环,思想主题健康向上,最终真、善、美战胜邪恶的大团圆结尾,非常的大快人心! 女主人公尼科尔的扮演者米雷埃·达尔克是法国著名的女演员,从影前曾担任过模特和电视台的主播。她的表演清新自然,尤其以演绎喜剧角色见长。在本片中,她不但很好地把握了尼科尔机智狡诈的一面,也生动地表现了她富有人情味,深爱着家庭和亲人的感人至深的一面。Cham, a genetically created being known as a "Sub" is being used as a killer for the IBI, a government agency. Sent to retrieve a chip, and in the process kill the chips designer and his family, Cham defies her boss and saves the son of the murdered designer and goes on the run. One problem, she only has 5 days to live, to save his life.