经历了高中万圣节的杀人惨剧,辛蒂(Anna Faris 饰)和好友们进入大学校门,大学快乐悠闲的生活让他们渐渐忘记万圣节的恐怖经历。 热衷于超自然学的教授奥德曼(Tim Curry 饰)计划到一年前曾发生恐怖事件的鬼屋做试验,需要拥有濒死体验的人做沟通灵异的媒介。助手歪头(David Cross 饰)得知辛蒂等人的经历,将他们集中起来,以获得优等成绩为诱饵请他们参加一个关于失眠的课题研究。 众人怀着玩乐的心情随奥德曼教授和歪头来到了阴森诡异的鬼屋,却经历了极为难忘和恐怖的一夜……A group of teens including Cindy Campbell and Brenda Meeks are invited to spend a night in Hell House. Professor Oldman has convinced them it is for a school project, but the night won't go past quietly. Master Kane is long dead, but still plans on enjoying himself, especially with Alex Monday. When things really start getting bad, the gang must work together to find a way to capture this ghostly menace.