约翰(罗伯特·杜瓦尔 Robert Duvall饰)是一名专业杀手,向来对舞蹈热情高涨。接到新的杀人任务后,约翰了来到阿根廷等待目标人物的出现。正是在等待的过程中,意外地节外生枝。他认识了当地女郎马纽拉(露西安娜·帕吉泽Luciana Pedraza 饰),她舞动着性感妩媚,风姿绰约的探戈,深深迷住了杀手约翰。他们共舞,他们相爱,他们在自己营造的舞之世界里沉迷。然而,阿根廷注定不是他久留之地,因为约翰完成的杀人任务给他带来了重重危机,处处都是为他设下的天罗地网。迷醉在爱情探戈里的约翰,开始要面对残酷的现实,想方设法逃出生天。John J. is a seasoned hit man sent on a job to Argentina. When the General he's sent to kill delays his return to the country, John passes the time with Manuela, a beautiful dancer who becomes his teacher and guide into Argentina's sensual world of the tango. Spellbound by the rich and mysterious world Manuela has shown him, his idyll is shattered when the reality of why he's there comes crashing down around him.