导演:Nikolaus Geyrhalter 获奖:2005年阿姆斯特丹国际记录片电影节评审团特别奖 2006年欧洲电影奖提名最佳记录片 2007年法国《电影手册》评分-4颗星(满分) 介绍:奥地利导演Nikolaus Geyrhalter用了2年时间,辗转于欧洲各国的大食品生产基地和工厂,拍摄了这部影片。他向我们展示了一个日常生活背面的关于食物的世界,在欧洲高度现代化的农业和畜牧业生产流水线下,一切有别于人们印象中的田园牧歌或是拖泥带水。事实上,这个世界高速,精确,冷静,整齐,它被各种各样的生产流水线、电脑、机器人、大机器以及我们-人所引导,无论是在农场,养殖场,还是在屠宰场,几乎每一项细小的操作都会伴随一种相应的机器,其分工细致令人叹为观止。影片极其详尽地展示了这些千奇百怪的机器是如何迅速准确地完成指令,而人,被置于某种和机器同等的地位。Welcome to the world of industrial food production and high-tech farming! To the rhythm of conveyor belts and immense machines, the film looks without commenting into the places where food is produced in Europe: monumental spaces, surreal landscapes and bizarre sounds - a cool, industrial environment which leaves little space for individualism. People, animals, crops and machines play a supporting role in the logistic of this system which provides our society's standard of living. OUR DAILY BREAD is a wide-screen tableau of a feast which isn't always easy to digest - and in which we all take part. A pure, meticulous and high-end film experience that enables the audience to form their own ideas.