故事发生于19世纪40年代,阿尔方斯妮(安娜·奈瑞贝科 Anna Netrebko 饰)本是出生在穷乡僻壤的贫穷女孩,注定会过上默默无闻了此一生的生活。然而,上帝却将她指引向了繁华的大都市巴黎。在那里,阿尔方斯妮见识到了上流社会的奢靡生活。随着时间的推移,阿尔方斯妮凭借着自己的美貌和智慧渐渐打入了社交圈,最终成为了人人仰慕的交际花,那些对她垂涎三尺的男人们称她为茶花女。 一次偶然中,阿尔方斯妮邂逅了名为小仲马(Thomas Hampson 饰)的作家,两人坠入了爱河。然而,当小仲马得知了阿尔方斯妮的真实身份后,愤怒的觉得后者欺骗了自己,于是选择了离开。La Traviata stands or falls on its lead singers and in Norah Amsellem and Rolando Villazon this 2005 Salzburg Festival performance has a pair whose electric interactions and brilliant singing are irresistible. If Amsellem can't quite provide the vocal bloom of the great Violettas of the past, hers is a lovely voice used with intelligence and dramatic intensity and she has the coloratura chops to deliver her Act I showpieces with flair. Villazon's tenor has ping on top, terrific color, and an impressive range of rubato, dynamic shadings, and interesting phrasing that makes Alfredo's music sound newly minted. The Germont is Thomas Hampson, no Verdi baritone but an astute singer and actor. Chorus and smaller roles are fine, the orchestra first-rate. Carlo Rizzi has odd notions about the music (usually too fast, sometimes way too slow) but this Traviata triumphs despite his conducting.