费莉西泰,拥有一颗简单、神圣、本原和终极的心,如同上帝创世之心。失恋后的她在寡妇欧班太太家找了一份佣人的活,但是无论她多么忠诚勤劳,却始终不能赢得女主人的信任…… 影片根据福楼拜同名短篇小说《简单的心》改编,并获得2009年雅克·普雷韦剧本奖的最佳文学改编作品奖。女主角由法国演技女王桑德里娜·伯奈尔出演,这也是她第二次饰演女佣角色,她以其充满野性和极富张力的演技,诠释了原作,即生命的精彩和人性的高贵。Unable to forget her first love, Félicité, a simple and kind maid, devotes herself completely to her new master, Mathilde Aubain. As the passing of time doesn't heal her wounds, she gives love to all those who surround her: Mathilde's children, her nephew Victor. But fate seems to always deny her from any love in return. Still she tries to find someone who'll accept her unconditional love.