出身普通的年轻人阿勒,即将同上司的女儿结婚,并接替未来岳父成为汽车经销商店的负责人。一个夜晚,他的告别单身晚会之后,在两个儿时好友的怂恿下,撞倒了一个陌生人,他扔下了伤者逃走了。 第二天,内疚不堪的他决定打听一下有关事故的消息。他所不知道的是,出事故的那个晚上,年轻的女士朱丽叶特在自家的阳台上都看到了。朱丽叶特下楼搭救了受伤者,并决定帮助他的妻子维拉,一个摩尔达维亚来的非法移民。 但当朱丽叶特在医院的走廊里认出事故后逃跑的肇事者时,她却无法告发他……This is the tale of a hit and run accident that results in the death of an illegal foreigner. Three men, including a young executive, are aboard the vehicle responsible of the accident and decide to keep silence about the whole thing. But a young woman is witness of it and succeeds in finding the driver. She also searches and finds the deceased's wife too.