心性孤傲的叶梅桂(林心如 饰)无意间邂逅独自来台北打拼的工程师柯志宏(钟汉良 饰),本来柯借住在好友蓝和彦(马天宇 饰)家,但与叶擦肩而过的一刹那,令他鬼使神差地搬进了叶梅桂出租的748号。蓝和彦料定柯志宏走火入魔,劝他三思而后行,但柯志宏分明从叶梅桂眼神中读出了灵魂深处的东西。白天,柯志宏与蓝和彦一头钻进缜密繁缛的工作中,收工回到748号,他享受得是另一种与叶梅桂在一起的只可意会不可言传的温暖与刺激,时常令他想起大学时代学姐跳《夜玫瑰》时那醉人曼妙的舞姿......Ke Zhi Hong went from Tainan to Taipei for a job and it happened that Xia Mei Gui became his landlord simply because her dog seemed to like him. Xia Mei Gui's name sounds the same as in Mandarin who was his dream-lover in the university. Is he needs to take a long time to realize that he loves Xia Mei Gui even though it's so obvious to the others?