故事发生在80年代的一个旅馆里。一群程序员试图发明出终极电脑象棋程序,用以进行人机大战. 安德鲁·布西内斯克在2009曾有一部才华横溢的《蜂蜡》,并入选《纽约客》年度十佳片,《电脑棋局》为沉寂几年之后带来的新片。这是一个黑白风格的伪纪录片,手持摄影以及伪记录风都将是本片看点,这个有点极客的故事相信也会很受影迷喜爱Set over the course of a weekend tournament for chess software programmers thirty-some years ago, Computer Chess transports viewers to a nostalgic moment when the contest between technology and the human spirit seemed a little more up for grabs. We get to know the eccentric geniuses possessed of the vision to teach a metal box to defeat man, literally, at his own game, laying the groundwork for artificial intelligence as we know it and will come to know it in the future.