文明灭绝的大战落幕后,一对男女独自在杳无人烟的废墟中相依为命,但天边高挂的巨大太空船、破旧保龄球馆裡的各种奇怪现象环绕著两人,不祥预兆一再显现。 仅耗费二十余万美金制作,全片选在埃塞俄比亚北部几乎无人居住、对外交通断绝的鬼城达洛尔拍摄,将怪石嶙峋的大地奇景与颓敝凋零的古老遗迹尽收眼底,擦撞出怪诞扭曲的超现实光景。Crumbs is a Spanish-Ethiopian Since fictional love story. Tired of picking up the crumbs of gone-by civilizations, Candy dreams his life away when not living in a state of perpetual fear. Beautiful visuals and landscapes of Ethiopia create an mysterious world. The director's short with the same actor was in competition in Locarno, CRUMBS had a WP in Rotterdam Bright Futures.