电影《静静的顿河》改编自诺贝尔文学奖得主米哈伊尔-肖洛霍夫的著名长篇小说,影片共分三部,生动地描写了从第一次世界大战到苏联国内战争结束这个动荡的历史年代中,顿河哥萨克人的生活和斗争。刻画了格里高利和其情妇阿克西尼娅等众多人物,描绘了多色调的场景,多侧面多层次的反映了那个风云变幻的时代。同时也表现了苏维埃政权在哥萨克地区建立和巩固的艰苦过程及其强大的生命力,揭示了一切反动落后势力必然灭亡的命运。这部史诗式的长篇巨著一问世便立即引起了世界舆论的重视,荣获了斯大林奖金,并获得1958年全苏电影节一等奖和最佳导演奖、1958年卡罗维-发利国际电影节大奖和1960年美国导演工会最佳改编影片荣誉奖。A six-hour long epic (original director's cut) about the life of Don Cossacs in a village in southern Russia between 1912 and 1922. The leading character Grigori Melekhov is a rugged Cossac, who is torn between his first and true love Aksiniya, and his wife Natalya. Grigori Melekhov's personal life is shown as a rough journey through the experience of World War One, the Russian Revolution, and the following Civil War. The Cossacs are shown as traditional farmers and warriors, who are suffering through the most dramatic events in the history of Russia.