剧情是关于一在海岸巡航的巡逻艇,主角Thomas Garland 就是这巡逻艇的成员,但是他这人实在很伤脑筋,因为总有一堆莫名其妙的麻烦事会如影随形地跟着他,倒楣的他无论如何似乎永远都摆脱不掉。其实身为海岸巡逻者,会遇到各种问题也是必然,但是偏偏烦恼Thomas Garland 的却都是一些鸡毛蒜皮的小事,然而这却占去他的大半时间,也因此他忽略了一场阴谋正在展开,由Harry Simmons 所率领的一群珠宝大盗正在进行不法的勾当,好不容易终于发现这阴谋的Thomas Garland 和他心爱的女朋友Kate 于是组成强劲的小组,要粉碎这群坏蛋的阴谋诡计。Young and awkward, The Coast-Guard's ensign Thomas Garland suffers from the comparison with his late father, a war hero. Which does not prevent him from falling for pretty Kate Fairchild, a young woman who runs a sailing school. Of course the way he expresses his deep sympathy for the lady leaves to be desired. And the situation does not improve when a trio of bumbling jewel thieves interferes.