14岁的少年天才艾利被哈佛拒绝后,他进入了常春藤联盟的名校怀特曼学院。艾利一开始非常讨厌这所学校,后来他遇到了41岁的同学里奥。里奥此前是名赌徒,他的生活一团糟,刚刚被学校录取。这两个奇怪的人会擦出什么样的火花呢?When 14-year old genius/outcast Eli Pettifog is rejected from Harvard, he ends up at Ivy League wannabe Whittman College. It's hate at first sight. At Whittman, Eli meets 41- year-old freshman Leo Searly. Leo, a gambler whose world has imploded, has dropped out of life to enroll in college. This odd duo becomes unlikely friends.