一九四零年的一个夜晚,南方小镇,吴宁和女进步青年刘欣,将逃离家园的犹太人姐弟俩带到原女子学校躲藏。为安全,吴宁和未婚妻丽华又把犹太人姐弟俩带到位于郊外的丽华家。 日本军官板栗,狡猾奸诈,双手沾满鲜血,为查找报纸《书声》的印刷所,追捕进步青年,费尽心机。板栗在他私设的解剖台上把刘欣残害至死。 一心想当大夫治病救人的日.1940, Mr.Wu goes to Shanghai to visit his girlfriend, he discovers a case as well as a bulk of printing equipment. Pierre, a wealthy French Jewish merchant flees France to escape the Nazis' Holocaust. Before he leaves he manages to ship a load of printing equipment and cash to Shanghai where his daughter Anita will take responsibility for delivering the goods. However her actions don't go unnoticed, catching attention of the Japanese Army.