学生查尔斯所在的高校是一所混乱且充满朝气的地方,然而这里却隐藏着一个不为人知的秘密:这里正在进行着生化病毒试验。不过病毒最终泄露,将附近整个城市感染成了食肉丧尸的乐园,查尔斯和他的朋友们毫不知情地来到城市中,遭到了丧尸大军的“盛情款待”。在拼死拼活突出重围奔到学校后发现此地早已沦陷,曾经的同学甚至是挚爱的亲人都已变成吃人不眨眼的丧尸,愤怒的众人决定与怪物们浴血奋战到底,然而此时查尔斯的真正身份暴露,他竟然是……In Downey, the teenagers Chris, Scott and Tim are best friends and decide to drive to a bar downtown to a grungy band's gig. Chris' girlfriend Jackie, meanwhile, goes to a party with her preppy friends. While heading downtown, the trio of friends note that there are no cars on the roads despite the rush hour and then they find that the streets are empty. When they arrive in their destiny, they are chased by zombies and run to the bar. Chris decides to return to Downey while Jackie and her friends are attacked by a bunch of zombies.