17岁的卡朋特是个漂亮的女孩子,她生活中最大的烦恼就是觉得自己生活的地方太过闭塞与无聊。直到有一天她的同学们突然开始因为大量失血而死,她的生活也就此发生了翻天覆地的变化…… 本片从另类的角度向人们揭示了快餐不仅会危害健康,而且还会带来更可怕的后果。In Blanca Carne, California, the seventeen year-old student Mackenzie Carpenter is celebrating her graduation in high-school with her boyfriend Fisher Kent and her classmates. Mackenzie receives messages about her close friends while they are murdered by Horny The Clown, the symbol of the Hella-Burger fasts food. On the eve of her eighteenth birthday and after the death of a couple of friends, Mackenzie realizes that all of them are connected to a dark event in the past of her mother Marcia Carpenter. Further, she will be in danger on the day of her birthday.