《超高速!参勤交代归来》是2014年上映并获得日本蓝丝带大奖的人气电影《超高速!参勤交代》的续集,故事设定在将军德川吉宗执政时期,前作讲述佐佐木藏之介饰演的主人公汤长谷藩藩主内藤政醇接到严峻任务,克服所有困难完成,续集讲述内藤完成任务之后回乡途中发生的故事。Masaatsu Naito (Kuranosuke Sasaki) successfully completes Sankin-kotai (required ritual to visit the shogun). On his way home, he hears that an insurrection by peasants has taken place in his hometown of Yunagaya. Masaatsu Naito knows that it is a counterattack by Matsudaira. He returns to Yunagaya, but finds that his castle is gone.