出身平民阶层的女孩春菜燕(广濑丝丝 饰)作为特招生进入了名门学府明兰学院,这是一所云集了权贵公子和千金的贵族学校。作为没有任何靠山的特招生,小燕竟然在新一学年里被选为第50代的学生会会长,当然这只不过是校方应付外界舆论的权宜之举,小燕则成为同学和校方随意支使的棋子。某次志愿者的活动中,明兰学院学生的行为引起对方的不满,一向唯唯诺诺的小人物油森(须贺健太 饰)面临背黑锅遭到退学的厄运。 关键时刻,一直在学校附近偷窥学生们举止的神秘男子雫井彗(神木隆之介 饰)出现在小燕面前,他鼓动这个懦弱的女孩拿起语言的武器,用前所未有的说服力凌驾这所等级森严且拜金的学校顶端……Haruna Tsubame (Hirose Suzu), an inconspicuous high school girl, is always sensitive to people's moods and keeps the peace in school. One day, she gets pushed to become the president of the student council by the people around her. Tsubame's encounter with a man who is a genius speechwriter, leads to a revolution in school. She struggles to change a school full of irrationality and dissatisfaction with the power of words.