七濑武(宫野真守 配音)是一名看似十分淡漠,内心里也却是冷若冰霜的少年。曾经不堪回首的往事让他选择封闭自己的内心,不透露出丝毫的感情。虽然一直克制着自己的情绪,但七濑武又时时能够感受到内心里还在燃烧的火焰。一次偶然中,七濑武在校园里遇见了一名昏倒在地上的少女,善良的七濑武将少女带到了保健室,得知她名叫相羽六(东山奈央 配音)。 让七濑武没有想到的是,他和相羽六的相遇彻底改变了自己的人生轨迹。相羽六在误打误撞之中将七濑武变为了魔法使。之后,七濑武的青梅竹马五十岛胡桃(濑户麻沙美 配音)、同班同学伊田一三(铃村健一 配音)和保健老师兵头七海等人纷纷拥有了能够使用魔法阵的能力。Takeshi Nanase is an ordinary high school boy who has a somewhat dark past. Due to certain circumstances, he formed a "fake" couple with his childhood friend Kurumi Isoshima, but otherwise, he lives a normal life. However, one day, he comes across a girl named Mui Aiba, in a uniform he has never seen before, collapsed on the school campus. This encounters changes Takeshi's destiny completely. Mui tells Takeshi that she is a magician, and she apologizes, for she turned Takeshi into a magician, too. What Takeshi once knew as one world is actually two-the world where magicians live and the world where humans live.