浪漫且唯美的诗人特拉诺瓦(Laurent Lucas 饰)在夜晚邂逅了变性人蒂蕾茜亚(Clara Choveaux 饰),这个有着纤细脆弱身材却超凡脱俗的人儿紧紧攫住了特拉诺瓦的心。 诗人将蒂蕾茜亚带回家,在强大占有欲的驱使下,他囚禁了这个在他看来如玫瑰花一般美丽的人。 但是,没有雌性荷尔蒙的支持,蒂蕾茜亚无法继续保持完美的女儿身。男性体征不断出现,特拉诺瓦心中美好的畅想逐渐破碎...... 本片获2003年戛纳电影节金棕榈提名。Tiresia is at the same time woman and man, according to Greek Mythology. Here, Tiresia is a Brazilian transexual living with her brother in the outskirts of Paris. Terranova, an admirer of aesthetics, is a dreamer. His obsession with Tiresia leads him to kidnapping her. However, without her regular dose of hormones, Tiresia gradually starts to change back to a male. Displeased, Terranova blinds Tiresia and abandons her in the countryside. There, Anna takes charge of Tiresia, helping her recover.